Precor QNX-X2 700 Open Format

As a free-standing system that can accommodate functional and suspended body weight training accessories, the Open Format configurations will be the hub of group and personal training activities that are bound to attract and engage. The Open Format has the flexibility to be configured for circuit-style or small group class training, while also preserving the open floor space beneath the unit.


Includes :

Battle Rope (x1)

Rebounder (x1)

Boxing Shelf (x1)

Mobile Parallels (x1)

Plyometric Platform (x1)

Flexibility Bar (x1)

Vertical Bar (x1)

Olympic Bar (x1)

Pull Up & Rack 700 (x1)

Punching Bag 30KG Kit (x1)

Horizontal Universal Shelf (x2)

Stairs Attack (x1)

Strong ++ (x2)

Superfunctional (x8)

Torso Trainer (x1)

Up Strength (2 PCS) (x2) not pictured

Suspension Abs Kit (x1) not pictured

Handle Extension (2 PCS) (x4) not pictured

Additional information

Dimensions 714 × 287 × 287 cm