Hoist CMD-6180 Cable Crossover

Hoist CMD-6180 Cable Crossover

The NEW HOIST Commercial Multi Jungle System can be configured to meet both the needs of your facility and the fitness requirements of your members. Expand the jungle from the standard (4) station pod to a (9) station or (14) station with the additions of the Crossover Pull-up Bar (CMJ-OPT-01). The Jungle System keeps users interested by offering the ability to work their entire body and the flexibility to define their own exercises.


  • Unique one-handed Hi-Lo Station adjuster Angled, neutral, rock climbing and extra wide straight gripping options allow for exciting exercise variation
  • Stabilizing hand grips on both sides of pulley
  • Ankle strap and strap handles included
  • (۲) CMS-6175 Adjustable Hi-Lo Pulleys
  • (۱) CMJ-OPT-01 Cross Over Pull Up Station